Audio output with NAudio

Mark Heath has written the fabulous NAudio library that provides a uniform interface around several different Windows audio APIs, and also provides support for the MIDI protocol.

In order to output a sequence of values as sound, we have to implement this interface:

public interface IWaveProvider
    WaveFormat WaveFormat { get; }

    int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count);

Audio output in NAudio is callback-based. At regular intervals, NAudio will call our implementation of Read(...), and passes us a buffer that it expects us to fill with data. offset and count are provided so that NAudio can request a partial buffer if it needs it. Filling a buffer rather than requesting individual values allows us to tune the performance of the playback system by adjusting the buffer size.

We are also expected to provide a WaveFormat object which tells NAudio exactly how to interpret the data that we have inserted into the buffer. We will use an IeeeFloatWaveFormat, because we want to use 32-bit IEEE floating point values: this is the float type in F#.

The implementation looks like this:

type StreamProvider (streams: StreamBundle) =
    let sampleRate = 
        if streams.IsEmpty then
            invalidArg "streams" "At least one stream is required"
        else if streams |> List.exists (fun s -> s.sampleRate <> streams.[0].sampleRate) then
            invalidArg "streams" "All streams must have the same sample rate"

    let waveFormat = 
        WaveFormat.CreateIeeeFloatWaveFormat(sampleRate, streams.Length)
    let enumerators = streams |> (fun s ->
    let nextValue nStream = 
        if enumerators.[nStream].MoveNext() then 
            else 0.0
        |> (float32)

    interface IWaveProvider with
        member __.WaveFormat with get() = waveFormat

        member __.Read (buffer, offset, count) =
            // wrap the buffer in a span and then cast that to a span of float
            let floatBuffer = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, float32>(buffer.AsSpan(offset, count)) 

            for nSample in [0 .. floatBuffer.Length-1] do
                floatBuffer.[nSample] <- nextValue (nSample % streams.Length)

            // return the number of bytes written
            floatBuffer.Length * sizeof<float32>

This is a class type with a constructor that takes one argument - a bundle of audio streams. We check that we have at least one stream and that all the streams have the same sample rate, and use this value to set the sample rate of the system.

Next we create a WaveFormat object for the number of streams we have been given, using the sample rate we found earlier.

After this we get all the enumerators for the streams we are going to output. We need to maintain these between calls to Read(), or we will just continually replay the first few sample in each stream.

nextValue() is a helper function to get the next value from a specific stream. It adds a bit of safety by returning 0.0 if we reach the end of a stream. It also casts our float value (an 8 byte floating point value) to a float32 (a 4 byte floating point value) which is what NAudio is expecting.

Finally we implement the IWaveProvider interface. The WaveFormat getter just returns the WaveFormat object we created earlier. Span makes implementing an efficient Read() method very strainghtforward - we can cast our buffer of bytes into a Span of floats and write values directly into the Span. Earlier implementations of this required a good deal of array copying, with resulting inefficiencies.

Note that NAudio expects samples values for individual streams to be interleaved within the buffer, and that we return the number of bytes that were actually inserted.

Now we have our wave provider, we can create a simple console application that uses it. But before we do that we need to create a stream to output. The simplest thing we can do is to create a sequence of zero values - this will produce silence, but will verify that our provider works

let silence = 
    let silenceGenerator state = Some (0.0, state)
    Seq.unfold silenceGenerator ()

A quick note for those unfamiliar with unfold(). I will use this function a lot in later posts, so it’s worth making sure you understand it now.

This higher order function has this signature: ('State -> ('T * 'State) option) -> 'State -> seq<'T>. It takes a generator function and an initial state, and generates a list of values. The generator takes the current state, and returns an option of a pair of the value to emit and the new state. If the resulting option value is None, the sequence ends. In this case, we want an endless sequence of 0.0, so the state is irrelevant. In this case I simply pass the state through to the result, and use unit as my inital state.

We can also provide a helper function to wrap a float seq in an AudioStream

let makeStream sampleRate stream = {data = stream; sampleRate = sampleRate}

And so we can create a silence stream

let silenceStream = makeStream 44100 silence

Now that we have an AudioStream, we can create our output object. We will use Naudio’s WaveOutEvent type, because it will work in a console application.

let main argv =
    printfn "Starting playback"

    use out = new WaveOutEvent()
    [silenceStream] |> StreamProvider |> out.Init

    printfn "Playback finished"

    0 // return an integer exit code

As you can see, we create the output object and then pass it a StreamProvider. Note the use statement: WaveOutEvent implents IDisposable, and this makes sure that the object is properly disposed when we leave scope.

Then we start playback, wait for one second and then stop playback. Although this produces no sound, if you put a breakpoint on the silenceGenerator function, you will see that it gets called repeatedly.

Finally, we can create a simple white noise stream. This just creates a sequence of random values between 1.0 and -1.0.

let noise = 
    let rnd = new Random()
    let rescale value = (value * 2.0)  - 1.0
    let noiseGenerator state = 
        Some (rnd.NextDouble() |> rescale, state)

    Seq.unfold noiseGenerator ()

let noiseStream = makeStream 44100 noise

This creates a new Random number generator and then repeatedly gets the next double value from it. These values are in the range 0.0 to 1.0, so the rescale is used to fit it in the range 1.0 and -1.0. If you replace silenceStream with noiseStream in the main function above, you should hear 2 seconds of white noise when you run the program.